Top Extracurricular Activities to Boost Your Child’s Skills

Top Extracurricular Activities to Boost Your Child’s Skills

Top Extracurricular Activities to Boost Your Child’s Skills

At Saigrace Academy, we are of the view that education is not only about the knowledge gained from books and lectures. This is because though academic achievements are vital, taking part in other extracurricular activities also helps in the development of your child’s skills to become a more balanced person. These activities allow children to indulge their interests and help them develop various abilities, which are necessary both in life and in one’s studies. Be it day school or boarders, students of our school can take part in a variety of extracurricular activities that will be extremely beneficial.

In this article, we are going to discuss some of the best extra reaches that you can opt for your child which can improve their skills and also help in healthy growth.

1. Sports and Physical Activities

For eons, sports have been a fundamental piece of child development, and Saigrace Academy is the epitome of this philosophy. Here, we encourage our students to partake in different physical activities. It can be football, basketball, or even cricket; sports impart to children the values of teamwork, discipline, and leadership.

Physical activities also increase a child’s health by means of enhancing their stamina, flexibility, and mental resilience, like-

  •     Teamwork and leadership
  •     Discipline and time management
  •     Physical and mental endurance

Child Health Benefits

  •     Physical activity keeps your child fit
  •     Less likely to get childhood obesity and,
  •     Child remains healthy and well-balanced

2. Creative Arts (Music, Dance, Painting)

Creative arts allow children to express themselves in ways that academics may not always offer. Music, dance, and painting help in boosting creativity, improving focus, and fostering emotional development.

That’s why at Saigrace, we offer programs in various forms of creative arts, allowing students to explore their talents, such as-

  •     Creativity and innovation
  •     Emotional expression and empathy
  •     Fine motor skills and concentration

Child Health Benefits

  •     Promotes mental relaxation
  •     Reduce stress, and,
  •     Enhance cognitive functioning

3. Debating and Public Speaking

Public speaking and debating activities are perfect for boosting a child’s communication skills, confidence, and critical thinking abilities. At Saigrace Academy, we encourage students to participate in debates, elocution contests, and other speaking events to develop these crucial skills. These activities teach children how to articulate their thoughts, think on their feet, and develop persuasive arguments. The benefits include-

  •     Confidence and public speaking
  •     Critical thinking and logical reasoning
  •     Persuasion and negotiation
  •     Reduce social anxiety and improve mental clarity

4. STEM Clubs (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)

These kinds of extracurricular activities allow kids to build their problem-solving skills along with analytical skills and develop an interest in technology and innovation. From robotics to coding clubs, STEM activities train students for the future in a world that is increasingly digitized.

  •     Problem-solving and analytical thinking
  •     Technological literacy
  •     Team collaboration and project management
  •     Sharpen cognitive functions
  •     Develop critical thinking
  •     Helps students approach challenges calmly

5. Drama and Theatre

Drama and theatre activities are fantastic for developing a child’s communication and interpersonal skills. By participating in plays and performances, students at Saigrace Academy gain confidence, learn to work in a team and boost their ability to express emotions and ideas effectively.

 Child Health Benefits

  •     Drama is the best way to play the role of those with problems, and allow description and exploration of the roles one may play in such a situation
  •     Verbal and non-verbal communication
  •     Creativity and collaboration

6. Community Service and Volunteering

At Saigrace Academy, we believe in nurturing socially responsible students. Engaging in community service or volunteer work teaches children the importance of empathy, compassion, and giving back to society. These activities provide a sense of purpose and responsibility such as-

  •     Social responsibility and empathy
  •     Leadership and organizational skills
  •     Problem-solving and adaptability
  •     Volunteering cultivates mental well-being and a sense of belonging


Extracurricular activities at Saigrace Academy International are aimed at providing a complete learning experience beyond academics. The activities have been well-importantly designed to boost a child’s skills as well as overall development. This ranges from improving communication and leadership skills to promoting child health. These are shaping your child into a well-groomed individual ready to face life’s challenges.

These activities not only help children hone their skills but also contribute to the mental, physical, and emotional fitness of a child. That’s why at Saigrace Academy, we strive to provide an ambiance allowing every child to grow within and outside the walls of their classroom.

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