Cyber-bullying is the use of internet communication tools to induce negative feelings in someone. It includes sending hurtful texts or instant messages, posting embarrassing photos or video on social media, and spreading mean rumors online or with cell phones.
Online Learning in Schools have given them an easy and increased access to the internet
Usually, kids don’t tell their parents when they’re being cyber-bullied. They might be embarrassed or ashamed that they have become a target. Kids often think that parents’ involvement will not have a positive impact. Kids with a healthy relationship with their parents tend to discuss these issues. Online Learning in Schools also requires a good child- to- parent communication.
If you find out that your kid is being bullied, you or your kid might want to retaliate.
However, it’s smart to help your kid defuse the situation, protect himself preparing him for the future and introducing him to rational methods.
These are the immediate steps we recommend for parents:
- Console your child that you love and support him/ her.
- Help your child take a break from the computer or device.
- If you can identify the bully, consider talking with his/her parents.
- Consider contacting your kid’s school. If bullying is happening online, it might be happening offline, too.
- Empower your kid with specific steps he or she can take.
- When should parents intervene in a cyber-bullying situation?
- Gather facts by keeping a fair conversation with the kid.
- Develop a plan of action together. Make sure you and your kid agree on what the result should be. Innovate your efforts as per the situation.
- Do not rush: Encourage your kid to reach out to friends for support.
- Contact the authorities immediately in case there’s a real physical threat to your child.
The present context of online learning in schools has increased the online activity for children. This is a responsibility of a parent that the child is taught and pre-guided on the sensible use of the internet. This will develop a good defense mechanism in him and he will be prepared to tackle these issues like cyber-bullying smartly and effectively.